Before we know about the benefits of green tea let’s just have a brief knowledge of the history of green tea’s origin. Most of us know or maybe not that it was an accidental discovery of green tea. Earlier in China during the Tang dynasty around 2737 BC emperor Shennong discovered it when a leaf of the plant Camellia Sinensis accidentally fell into his boiling water. Since then Camellia Sinesis has been known as a tea plant.
Green tea provides several benefits to the human body, it helps keep the body fit and organs pure. There are several types of green tea, some popular are:
1. Sencha: Japanese green tea.
2. Matcha: It’s a powdered green tea from Japan.
3. Himalayan green tea: It grows in the Himalayan region.
4. Mint Tea: Combining green tea with mint leaves.
Green tea is full of benefits that contribute to health in a good way. For centuries it has been supporting maintaining health. Here are some benefits of green tea we can receive if we consume it regularly:

1. Antioxidant
The very first benefit of green tea is its antioxidant quality. It has a high catechin, which is a type of polyphenol. Polyphenol is a plant compound that gives various health benefits. It increases the activity of the body.
2. Fat Burner
Even fat burners don’t work if we aren’t making movements or exercising enough. The benefit of green tea is that it has fat-burning elements. It has bioactive compounds like coffee. Bioactive compounds interact with body tissues and have positive effects on the human body.
3. Heart Health
Among many benefits of green tea, there is one related to heart health. Antioxidants in green tea help reduce stress and swelling, and these two are the main reasons for bad heart health. Adding green tea as a daily drink can make our health less risky.
4. Anti-diabetic
To maintain our diabetic health green tea would be very beneficial. The element called epigallocatechin gallate also known as EGCG helps digestion and absorbs carbohydrates. Because of EGCG green tea may help improve insulin, and it can level blood sugar in our body.
5. Oral Health
Another benefit we can gain by using green tea is that it also improves our oral health. The polyphenols in green tea help to stop the spreading/growing of harmful bacteria in the mouth. In addition, it can prevent gum disease and inflammation too.
6. Brain Function
Normally we drink coffee to stay awake and to be attentive. From now on this green tea benefit can change this habit. Caffeine in green tea helps improve concentration and keeps the body relaxed. EGCG in green tea protects brain cells from stress and may reduce Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease risk.
7. Cancer risk reduction
Some studies about green tea suggest that due to antioxidants and EGCG, our body neutralizes free radicals. These radicals are molecules that can damage body cells and lead to cancer. Regular intake of green tea may reduce the risk of different kinds of cancer. Though this benefit of green tea is not promising, it may take more research to prove it.
8. Weight Loss
Most people know that the only benefit of green tea is it helps in weight management. The antioxidant and EGCG elements boost metabolism which means green tea helps enhance the effects of fat-burning elements.
9. Skincare

As well as antioxidants of green tea help protect the body in many ways, it also is beneficial for the outer skin. It can reduce inflammatory elements, irritation, and redness of the skin. It also helps manage acne and rosacea disease. It benefits every type of skin, improves skin texture, and helps look younger.
10. Bone health
The next benefit of green tea is related to bone health. The factors that contribute to bone loss, green tea helps improve bone mineral density and reduces the risks. Regular consumption of green tea is beneficial for bones to make them strong and healthy.
11. Depression relief
The combination of caffeine and L-theanine an amino acid that is known for its calming effects on the body. This combination we will receive when we make green tea as a part of our daily lives. This combination reduces anxiety and keeps the body relaxed helps to make the mood light. Being not stressed and in the present mind can be an antidepressant.
12. Blood pressure regulation
As we already read the benefits of green tea are due to key elements like antioxidants and EGCG. These elements also help in maintaining blood pressure levels. Having daily 2-4 cups of green tea can be beneficial for the mental stress that sometimes causes blood pressure-related problems.
13. Cholesterol management
Having green tea with a very balanced diet can be beneficial for the body’s cholesterol. Only green tea can never be beneficial if one is not having a healthy lifestyle. Green tea can improve the good elements in the body that can cooperate in maintaining balanced health.
14. Immune booster
The key elements of green tea benefit the body in many ways. It helps to boost immunity and gives stamina. What is more beautiful than feeling light and healthy, right? Green tea benefits our cognitive health by helping our body in so many ways.
15. Longevity
By helping protect our bodies from chronic diseases green tea is helping us to live longer. Not being stressed, being happy, and healthy are the steps towards a long and healthy life. Green tea benefits can push your goals harder to make it happen.
Imagine, not having any illness or any health problems related to body or mind. That would already increase our lifespan. It’s not possible that we drink green and the next day start floating like a feather. This would happen if we determine to have what we want.

Who could have thought that having a small cup of green tea could be this beneficial? Though we can consume 4-5 cups a day, excess consumption of green tea could be harmful for coffee-sensitive people because of its caffeine content.
In short, green tea is more than just a drink that only keeps our bodies hydrated. These benefits of green tea written above can encourage us to make it a part of our daily lives. Seeing the benefits of green tea, if we include it in our lives, it can boost health and reduce the chances of getting sick. These little steps we take can improve our health and lifestyle. Do you already drink green tea or are you going to consider it to be a part of daily life?